All our packages are on our homepage.
So, what exactly is Trickshot Group Tag Archery? We are a company started in 2020 by a group of friends (Uthman Mahmud, Shamus Omar, Muhammed Ahsan Al-Haadee) who enjoyed a game of combat archery in Manchester (props to Archertype—check them out!) and absolutely fell in love with the sport. Being University students at that time, we understood the need for a good quality, relatively low-priced leisure activity that also allows for good health practices and exercise; we also wanted to simultaneously offer female-only sessions with a female instructor for those who find that there is an absence of this in our otherwise great city.
Anyone can book a game! No prior experience needed, and no, you do not need to already be a Trickshot Member.
But what on earth is combat archery?!
Combat or tag archery is a sport very popular in other parts of the world (e.g., America, Singapore, Australia even) but not so much in the UK. We’d love to change that, because the sport itself involves shooting the other players with foam-tipped arrows and trying to remain alive, dodging and avoiding incoming arrows as required—therefore it is incredible fun. High-paced, action-packed, but equally intellectual, thinking of tactics to eliminate the other team and keeping your team alive adds a brilliant dimension of strategy to the game.

What Trickshot offers
We offer a variety of game-modes, beginning with target practice, moving on to games such as ‘last team remaining’ but also new game modes such as Protection, where one teammate has a shield and must be protected. We have an amazing line-up of games ready for our members, so for the love of shooting at your friends, stop reading this, book a trial game today and you will not be disappointed! Looking forward to seeing you soon!